


1. Deep Market Knowledge

It’s about getting to know our partners, their businesses and what is important to them. Understanding what their stores look like and what makes their customers shop with them.

We apply this principle on a local level and on a bigger scale so we understand what makes each town, city and country different. We have a database of around 5000 retailer doors and we are constantly adding to this intel.

2. Considered Partnerships

If there is one thing we can say for sure is that there is just too much stuff out there. So we make conscious choices on the brands and retailers we represent.

It’s important for us to agree a clear plan with our partners of what we want to sell and where we should sell it, to ensure the whole process has a meaningful purpose.   

3. Hustle

Plans are important. Action is essential.

We take a “boots on the ground” approach to ensure we are in-market and with our retail partners as much as possible. This allows us to complete the cycle, being out there and in-market as much as possible to understand what’s going on.